Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sunway CI remained in the money till the end

On Sunday I posted on instagram my analysis on a couple of in the money call warrants on Bursa.

Sunway CI is number 6 in the list and I highlighted it due to it`s relevance. At the time I posted the table, it was in the money, with a 6.25% discount. I cannot say that it is 100% risk free to profit, but it is nearly risk free.

The last trading day for this warrant was yesterday and the final price remained at RM 0.155. The mothershare closed at RM 3.63 today.

To put this into perspective, for every 10 000 units of the CI warrant, the cost is RM 1 550 with a profit of RM 300. This is nearly a 20% gain, not bad for a trade that lasted for only a couple of days.

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