Monday, September 1, 2014

China manufacturing PMI and HSBC final manufacturing PMI

Both manufacturing PMI and HSBC final manufacturing PMI indicated growth in the economy but highlights an expansion that is slowing down.

The manufacturing PMI at 51.1 fell short of estimates and last month`s figure of 51.7. In addition, the HSBC final manufacturing PMI dropped to 50.2 in comparison to estimates and last month`s figure of 50.3.

Australia is a proxy economy to China and PMI figures would affect its capital markets. The AUD pairs today however did not show its usual volatility.

I entered a short at 0.93339 given how the economy did not expand as much as it should in China.

The M1 graph shows subtle movements.

Here is a close up shot of the M15 graph and price action. The two green candles show an upwards push for this pair. The spinning top like shape shows the opening price starting out low but closing higher, indicating buying interest. 

The red doji hints at uncertainty for a short while before churning up a green candle. 

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