Friday, October 17, 2014

How to make a million dollars

I was reading "The Millionaire Messenger" by Brendon Burchard yesterday. To be blunt, it`s one of the less interesting/ impactful books I`ve read this year. Do not be fooled by its philosophical title, the focus is on informational marketing. However, there is one chapter that stands out regarding cash flows.

As per title, how to make a million dollars? The idea is this, conduct a seminar that charges $ 1 000 per person and get 1 000 people to attend (at once or through multiple seminars). There`s your million, as simple as that.

This of course is an extremely basic and theoretical approach on cash flows and one of the reasons why this is not the kind of book I would recommend others to pick up and read. The ideas are too simple and the content lacks any real depth to be impactful. I feel that the book is just another tool for the author to sell his advanced programmes. In addition, the author constantly brags on how much he can charge his clients.

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