Saturday, November 22, 2014

5 ways to survive in a start-up

A start-up is a different kind of beast in comparison to other organizations. Burn outs are pretty common when the norm is an eighteen hour work day. So how does one survive in a start-up? Here are my top five lessons:

1) Get up before 5 in the morning
Getting up early can do wonders. It is not necessary to start work at that time, but getting up say at 4 am does give me the extra time for my personal thoughts. It can also be used to visualize the entire day ahead or meditate. The serenity and quietness at this hour is simply magical.

2) Maintain peak health
Stamina is important. It`s best not to rely on too much coffee or red bull to get work done. Exercise, work out and eat healthy. I run 12 km daily, with one morning session before the sun rises and one in the evening. Doing something physical is also a great way to get all the stress out from a hectic lifestyle.

3) Read a book a day 
Too hectic? Bring a book and read it during lunch.In a start-up, one has to be brilliant in a particular area in addition to being a Jack of all traders. Unlike MNCs and other large organizations, where the job scope and roles are clearly defined, it is not a clear cut in start-ups. One may be in a business development role but it is vital to pick up new skills in addition to sharpening his/her core competency.

4) Prioritize 
Too much to do and too little time is customary. There are times where simply certain tasks cannot be completed. Maintain a to do list and start with the most important item for the day. It may be advisable to outsource or get freelance staff during busy periods.

5) Network
Go out, take a break and meet like minded minds. The phrase "it is not what you know but who you know" pretty much carries weight here. Meeting other people is also a superb way to get new ideas.

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